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The Nugen Audio Loudness Toolkit 2 bundles together essential software for loudness compliance in one downloadable package. Supporting anything from stereo to 7.1.2-channel surround, this bundle offers Nugen VisLM 2 for loudness metering, which can delivery accurate true peak readings.
Also included is LM-Correct with DynApt extension, which helps adjust tracks to a desired loudness target and peak level on an offline basis, doing so quickly. The DynApt extension, which is useful in post production. DynApt is designed to eliminate dialog-clarity issues commonly experienced in repurposed content or automated broadband compression. Finally, the bundle includes ISL 2, a comprehensive true peak limiter, which sounds natural and curbs digital overs in realtime.
This software is compatible with Mac and Windows operating systems. It can support RTAS, AudioSuite, and AAX Native plug-in formats. Please note, this software will not work with a Pro Tools HDX system's DSP. You will need the specific AAX DSP version of this software for that purpose, which is available separately.
NuGen Audio VisLM 2 Industry Standard Loudness Metering (Download)
VisLM 2 from NuGen Audio is a loudness meter plug-in and standalone application that offers a variety of loudness measurement tools intended for use in audio mastering, broadcast, film, and more. With a design focused on primary loudness parameters, the software combines an instant overview with detailed historical information, enabling the user to hit their target first time. Additional loudness logging and timecode functions allow for proof-of-compliance reporting and postmortem analysis with frame-accurate referencing.
A fully resizable interface and many additional visualizations make it even simpler to identify exactly the information needed to choose the configuration that matches the current workflow precisely. The program remembers loudness data up to twelve hours, locked to timecode received directly from the NLE/DAW. Any minor edit or overdub immediately triggers overall loudness updates, eliminating the need for end-to-end remeasuring. Loudness data is saved with the session allowing full session loudness recall. Offline AudioSuite scans can be loaded into the real-time meter for immediate preloading of loudness history.
Fast, Accurate Analysis
Native NLE/DAW operation (Pro Tools, Avid Media Composer, FCP, Premiere, etc.)
Standalone application
International standards compliant
Timecode locked ReMEM enabled
Automated loudness overdub
Loudness history saved and recalled with session
Offline loudness pushed to real-time meter
Alert warning options
Loudness boundary indicators
Industry Standard Benchmark
Momentary, short term, and integrated loudness
Loudness range
Overall program loudness measurement
Maximum True Peak Level meters
EBU Mode meters
Automatic mono through 5.1 compatibility plus ASWG 7.1 support
Highly configurable
Loudness History Profiling
Historical loudness profile
Fully resizable history view
Loudness histogram
Offline data export
Multiple export parameters
Postmortem timecode referencing
Full ReMEM functionality requires a time-code lock to be provided to the plug-in by the NLE/DAW
International Standards
Compatible with all recommendations and guidance based upon the international standard ITU-R B.S.1770, Revisions 1, 2, and 3 including:
ATSC A/85 (Calm Act)
EBU R128
EBU R128 S1
Portaria 354
NuGen Audio LM-Correct 2 with DynApt Extension Auto-Loudness Compliance Audio Software (Download)
LM-Correct 2 with DynApt Extension from NuGen Audio is software that provides an immediate and hassle-free route to creating loudness-compliant audio, and in the process, saves time and prevents costly mistakes. Either within an AAX-/Avid-compatible DAW or as a standalone application, LM-Correct 2 delivers automated compliance with lookahead true peak correction. Used in conjunction with a real-time meter, the program saves iterative adjustments to the mix as target levels are approached, allowing transparent in-edit quick-touch finishing of audio.
For file-based processes LM-Correct rapidly assesses and adjusts the entire file faster than real time. Automatically handling audio files from mono through 7.1.2, the software is compliant with all current loudness standards, and if needed, the optional dialog-gated measure can be specified. Audio can be transformed with a single click from one specification to the next, with faster-than-real-time processing when delivering multiple versions or repurposing for different regions, and play-out specifications are required.
This version of the software includes the DynApt dynamic adaptation extension, which is designed to eliminate dialog clarity issues commonly experienced in repurposed content or automated broadband compression. The use of DynApt helps streamline workflow and facilitates loudness compliance, while improving audio quality.
New Features in Version 2
M Max measure/correct (dynamic correction)
S Max measure/correct (dynamic correction)
Single click analysis and correction
LRA measure/correct (requires optional DynApt extension)
EBU R128 S1 support
Game audio (ASWG 7.1 surround)
Compact interface
Expanded interface
Options panel
Text file processing summary log
Fast, Accurate, Analysis and Correction
Single-click solution to loudness conformance
Immediate finishing of audio to loudness standards
Editor based and standalone operation
Integrated true-peak back-stop limiter
Text file analysis and processing summaries
Optional dialog gated measure
Intuitive Operation
Clear parameter read out
Simple one-click analysis
Dial in target values directly
One-click correction
Offline faster than real-time advantage
DynApt Dynamic Adaptation Extension
Allows the reduction of dynamics in the audio while respecting the level of the dialog from the original mix
Facilitates loudness compliance while improving quality
Loudness range (LRA) can be set as a processing target, eliminating the need for time-consuming hands-on methods to meet targets
Data logs provide evidential accuracy, eliminating mistakes, fines, and maintaining accuracy
Streamlines feature-film adaptation for TV
Automates content repurposing such as TV content for web streaming or radio programming for podcasting
Easily integrated at any stage — at ingest, during archiving or post
Faster-than-real-time automated processing
Compliance and Standards
Automated standard compliance
ITU-R BS. 1770 | EBU R128 | CALM Act compliant
Integrated loudness target
Maximum True Peak level
Short-term and momentary loudness limiting
Optional DynApt LRA dynamics targeting
"EBU Mode"
Automatic mono through 5.1 compatibility plus ASWG 7.1 support
NuGen Audio ISL 2 - Real Time True Peak Limiter Plug-In (Download)
ISL 2 from NuGen Audio is a true peak limiter designed for use in audio mixing and mastering, and provides the necessary final step when preparing audio for broadcast. Look ahead functionality means the audio is examined before it actually passes through the limiter, helping to ensure that any transient peaks are limited correctly to avoid distortion. The true peak limit can be set directly to help ensure compliance with broadcast standards across a variety of mediums.
With steering and ducking meters, the software provides the perfect settings. Whether preserving directional integrity, atmospheric ambience or taming a surround centre channel, the plug-in delivers the information and control needed to achieve those goals. Processing enhancements assess the incoming audio for frequency content and automatically take care of any minor adjustments required when LF content drives the limiter, delivering increased transparency whilst maintaining intuitive operation.
Transparent True Peak Limiting
Adjust adjustable look ahead
Two stage, non-linear adaptive algorithm
Adjustable channel linking
Includes iTunes True Peak option
Standard Compliant
Compatible with ITU-R BS. 1770
True brick-wall limited output
Mono through 5.1 surround compatible
Clear Intuitive Operation
Intelligent adaptive algorithm
Clear metering
Multiple diagnostic listen modes
Reliable Metering
Accurate, standard compliant I/O metering
Precise direct numeric maxima
Adjustable ballistics and color splits
Compatible with all recommendations and guidance based upon the international standard ITU-R B.S. 1770, revisions 1, 2 and 3 including
ATSC A/85 (Calm Act)
EBU R128
EBU R128 S1
Portaria 354
Audio Plugins México
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