GForce The Streetly Tapes Vol 4

$ 2,099.00 $ 1,400.00

The Streetly Tapes Vol. 4When The Streetly Tapes Volume 3 was released, GForce indicated it would be the final installment in the series, which already was the most...

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The Streetly Tapes Vol. 4
When The Streetly Tapes Volume 3 was released, GForce indicated it would be the final installment in the series, which already was the most exhaustive collection of high-quality Mellotron sounds on the planet. But then Streetly's Martin Smith rang GForce to say, “I’ve found some really rare tapes tucked away in the archives. Do you fancy a listen?” So, now we can state with a reasonable degree of confidence: GForce Software and Streetly Electronics (makers of the original Mellotron) have joined forces to bring you the fourth and final (?) chapter of the Streetly expansion pack series for the GForce M-Tron Pro Mellotron virtual instrument. Dip into the Streetly Tapes Vol. 4 and revel in re-discovered super-rare patches dripping with the rich, nostalgic sound of the original master tapes used for the Mellotron, meticulously sampled for ultimate accuracy. These sounds have a sonic brilliance and vibrancy that set them apart from the many variations we've heard through the years while remaining true to the essential ‘Tron character.

Definitive 'Tron
As with Volumes 1, 2, and 3, all the sounds of Streetly Tapes Vol. 4 were lovingly curated from the archives by Streetly's Martin Smith, then recorded via the "Skellotron," a stripped-down Mellotron M400 purpose-built to allow adjustment of every component, including the azimuth of each tape head. Once captured and checked against a reference M4000, GForce Software converted the sounds into the M-Tron Pro file format. The files were then sent back to Streetly Electronics where John Bradley conducted A/B tests against their reference M4000 and only when Martin and John were satisfied was the set of tapes given to GForce's patch designers for final patch creation. The meticulous attention to detail is evident in every glorious sound in the GForce Streetly Tapes Vol. 4 expansion pack. Sweetwater's advice: If you're a current or prospective M-Tron Pro owner, you owe it to yourself to check out this historical gem.

Descriptions by Martin Smith of Streetly Electronics:
3 More Violins - Wot, three more bloody violins? How many more ‘ave you got? Well, the answer is plenty, so rejoice. A thrilling alternative to the MKII classic.
6 Wives Moog - Yes, the very sound Rick W used on his seminal solo album, Trampolining With Frogs.
BIG Brass - No, not a euphonium ensemble from Latvia but a loud’n’proud affair, just right for a Bond movie soundtrack.
Bowed Vibes - A vibraphone attacked by an out of work violinist who’d just sold his Stradivarius to pay for gin but kept the bow. The result is a very haunting but unique sound.
Bruce Vocal ADT - This is Jack’s voice with Automatic Double Tracking, an invention from Abbey Road to thicken up John Lennon’s vocals.
Electric String Section - Dark and brooding. Cello, viola, and violin plugged directly into the mains. The sound you hear comes from musicians with 240V running through their veins.

Electric Violin - A very sweet violin, well pitched and gently played by Ric Sanders of Fairport Convention. Lovely.
Guitar Harmonics - Gordon Giltrap recorded these for us nearly 20 years ago. They are clear and precise as you would expect from this outstanding guitarist.
Layered Choir 2 - Naughty goings-on of a vocal nature betwixt Ladies, Men and Boys and a mad Soprano with issues, all vying to be loudest in a choral free for all.
M300B Lower Violin - This is a rarely heard version of the B violin which has added weight due to an additional lower octave.
Moody Moog - This recording can be heard in the mix during Patrick Moraz’s stint with the Moodies. A dirty recording but given the right treatment, very useable.
Octave Cello - Each recording is of an acoustic cello playing the note along with one an octave higher. Chords quickly become powerful and dense.
Octave Recorder - See Octave Cello for the gist. A bit crumhorn like in the lower register to be honest.
Piercing Wine Glasses - Stand well back and put on ear protection.
Pizzi Cello - Pluck my cello! Go on, you know you want to.
Plain Cello - A Scandi drama cello that drones on without a hint of vibrato or happiness. Atmospheric to the max.
Recorder - Now you too can play "Three Blind Mice" without having to blow. What a thrill.

Sad String Inversions - 3 tape banks created from a set of curious chord inversion recordings from the same tape that gave us the essential Sad Strings. Unused, unedited and forgotten for many years.

Sad String Chord Inversions - A series of chord inversions mainly based around Ab. These do not follow the normal chromatic note layout from G-F. Instead, you have a variety of chords ascend through the Ab scale twice with an initial split at middle D. Arguably the most beautiful Tron String tape bank we've heard.
Sad String Notes Variations - Again, taken from the Sad Strings sessions, only this time chromatic recordings of each note across the entire 35-note key range. A valid alternative to the original Sad Strings tape bank.
Sad String Split - With a key split at G2 this tape bank offers 12 Chords in the lower split and chromatic Sad String notes in the upper split. Unlike the Sad String Chord Inversions tape bank the chords in the lower split correspond to the note played  so you can play both chromatic notes and chords with confidence.
Soft String Section 2 - Gentle, like triple-ply toilet paper. Soothing but without medication.

Taurus Bass Pedal - This is so powerful and now you can play chords…if you dare. What a sound!
Timpani Rolls - For any King Crimson devotees, you can now play the introduction to "Epitaph" in 35 different pitches. What’s not to like? Okay, the very idea.
Timpani Hits - No, not a compilation of half-forgotten 1960’s pop songs played entirely on kettledrums, although that sounds enticing. More a series of single notes played by someone at some point a very long time ago.
Uriah Choir - Vocal tapes from the Uriah Heap mellotron with the lads pushing their vocal chords to submission.
Voice of Necam - Steve Hackett’s famous and haunting vocal tapes created for the Please Don’t Touch album. Very nostalgic. Steve is hoping Roger King will use these in the future…and so do we.

GForce The Streetly Tapes Vol. 4 Features:
The 4th (and final?) volume in the Streetly expansion pack series
A GForce Software and Streetly Electronics collaboration
Tape banks from the original UK 'Tron masters
Derived from original EMI tape stock
26 meticulously developed and curated sounds for M-Tron Pro
35 notes per tape bank
Includes 100s of expertly created preset patches
Not standalone — requires M-Tron Pro.

Para más información sobre el producto, no olvides revisar la página directa de la compañía del producto, ó contactarnos para atenderte.

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